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Media composer

Sander Kalmeijer

About me

Composer for Film and TV

As a composer, my primary goal is to create music that is authentic and emotionally resonant. I am drawn to acoustic instruments with character and often use them as the foundation for my compositions.

However, I also have a desire to experiment and incorporate unexpected sounds that can surprise and engage listeners. This approach reflects my creativity and my desire to craft music that is meaningful and memorable. By focusing on authenticity and using a variety of musical elements, I aim to create compositions that connect with listeners on an emotional level.

Overall, my approach to composition is driven by my desire to create music that is authentic, emotive, and memorable.

What I Do
  • Composer for Media
  • Music Production
  • Audio branding
  • Film scoring
  • Sounddesign


Music in commericals

Film Score

Something Good Coming

Sounds Like Sander
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Avocado Junkie

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Kristian Leo

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